Tarnished Knight eBook

For everyone who hasn't read Tarnished Knight or wanted it in the full downloadable eBook version, it is finally live at Smashwords at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/303447. It is free for the moment (and shall be through until the end of June) and features an exclusive piece titled Lena's Decision – for those who want a sneak peek at the events leading up until the start of Heart of Iron – and a Glossary with perhaps some teasers for the future of the London Steampunk world.

I am hoping to make it available through other platforms in the near future, but that relies on Smashwords approval, so hopefully I will have that news by the end of the week.




As for the serial…

Some of you may be wondering where the blog posts featuring the serial version have disappeared to. Frankly, I had full intentions of leaving it on the blog for readers to view for free, however yesterday I came across a version on a pirate site. I cannot explain how disappointing this is for me, considering that it was free for all my readers and also I made it explicitly clear it was not to be taken from the site or shared. A naive view perhaps, but thanks to these pirates I have made the decision to remove it from my website for good.

If you wish to download the extended version, it is available at Smashwords at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/303447 for a limited time for free.


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