A little teaser for Forged by Desire…

Playing with the work-in-progress, Forged by Desire. Here's a little teaser for your sunday. Our heroine is feeling the slight after-effects of a bottle of blud-wein and wondering what may – or may not  – have happened the night before, when our hero very solicitously put her to bed.


“Not going to ask me?”

“Ask you what?” Her eyes narrowed.

“If I peeked.” G——‘s eyes twinkled over the top of his cup.

“I know you didn't peek,” she replied, feeling all flushed and bothered. Damn him. “You're too much of a gentleman.”

“Sometimes I'm not.” His voice turned soft; drugging. “Sometimes I'm not a gentleman at all.”


*Please note: completely unedited and whether this appears in the final version or not is up to my editor. But it's a fun scene, so I don't see why not.


Have a great weekend!


Also, has everyone downloaded their free copy of Tarnished Knight? Because the price may be changing in a week or two… If not, check out the Books page for instructions on how to download.

