I have been blown away by all of the support and best wishes I’ve received in the last few months, so I have been busily typing away in order to share a special surprise with all of my readers as a thank you! My Christmas novella, Tarnished Knight, is set in the London Steampunk world and feature Rip and Esme from Kiss of Steel. It is set between Kiss of Steel and Heart of Iron (Book Two), which is due out in May 2013 and may just feature a sneak peek of the couple from Heart of Iron.

Tarnished Knight will appear in serial form leading up until Christmas Day, with a chapter being revealed every couple of days on the blog. The full novella will hopefully be appearing online as an eBook early next year.

The first chapter will be posted on the 5th of December, with the final chapter popping up on Christmas Day. I will also be hosting a giveaway of two signed copies of Kiss of Steel (and swag) throughout the month – all you have to do is comment on any of the blog posts leading up until Christmas Day to enter! The giveaway will be drawn on Boxing Day (26th of December) and I will ship anywhere in the world. Yes, it is international!

I will be posting alerts for each new chapter on my facebook page or Twitter @BecMcMaster or check back at the blog for new chapters!


Below is the blurb:


 After a vicious vampire attack left him struggling to leash the dark urges of the craving virus, John  ‘Rip’ Doolan, thinks he’s finally starting to master the darkness within. The only thing that threatens to shatter his hard-won control is Esme, his closest friend and the only woman he’s ever wanted. If the stubborn beauty ever realized precisely what was going through his mind, their friendship would be ruined…

 For six months Esme has waited for Rip to recover and take her as his thrall, not daring to hope for more. Too afraid to put her heart on the line, she is devastated when Rip reveals that he never had any intentions of making her his. 

But when a savage gang of Slashers start causing havoc in Whitechapel, Rip and Esme have no choice. They must face up to the depth of the passion that burns between them and forge a new relationship… or risk losing each other forever.*



Can I repost it on my own site?

No. All rights to this work are reserved, which means only I can repost it. I retain all of the rights to said work. But feel free to link to it and spread the word, as I’d love to share this with all of my readers.





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